Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 124)...

Chapter 5, Page 5...

Tuesday morning, I did NOT sleep very well at all, I got to sleep, but it was a very unrestful sleep.  Kept waking up and then going back to sleep and then walking up, etc, etc, etc.

About 630, I just said, Fuck it, got up, showered and went to work.  Got there early.  I was still bothered by the anxiety, and that made the day quite...stressful.  It was constantly on my mind.  Even though I got work accomplished, the anxiety and the stressing about it were always right there.

After work, I had a cut n color.  And I still had the anxiety, and now I had a headache on top of it.  After the cut n color, as I was driving home, I dont remember exactly what it was that I thought of, but I thought of something like, "But despite all that, I'm going to be okay anyway".  And somehow, just like that, the anxiety was gone.

It's crazy, I know.  But the rest of the night was great, it was almost as if a huge weight was just suddenly gone.  And the rest of that night, I ate some supper and watched some more the Daredevil tv show.  Amazing stuff.  I was so wrapped up in it, I forgot Agents of SHIELD was on.  And I missed it. SIGH.

After a few episodes of it, I went to bed, read a bit, and as I was still VERY tired, just went to sleep.  Before 900.


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