Sunday, May 10, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 128)....

Chapter 5, Page 9...

Saturday, due to going to bed early the night before, I got up and got to work early, getting there about 7:30.  Since there weren't that many clients there, I put in paperwork to leave at 12:30, thus taking 3 hours of vacation.  But work itself, was pretty okay, for the time I was there.

After work, I came home, changed into shorts and a more comfortable shirt, and then went up to mom's.  My cousin Tracy was back in town with her 7 month old, Morgan.  And she was bringing him around to mom's to visit.  And that's why I took off early, to see him.

She showed up and we played.  And mom had cooked some burgers and dogs on the grill, so we ate those.  And he ate carrots and some ice cream.  And we played some more.  And then they had to leave to go visit other people.  But naturally I got a few pics:

Morgan gnawing on his drinkee cup, waiting to eat.

Mom holdin Morgan.

Me holding Morgan in his aDORable lil new hat!

Following this, we went to my aunt's house, because, coincidentally, another cousin was in town with Lil Chris to visit her Mother.  So we went and visited them.  Lil Chris, who's now almost two, is still very adorable.  He could say a few words.  But the best part was, his grandparents had just recently got a grandfather clock.  It was the first time he had been there when they had it.  And every time it chimed (on the quarter hour), his eyes would get all bit and he freeze for a few seconds and then he'd run to me and climb up on my lap and lay there while I held him.  

I wonder why he would run to me, not that I minded, just didn't make a lot a sense when his grandmother was there too.  She said that Lil Chris prefers men.  He always goes to his grandfather, but not very often to his grandmother.  He LOVES his uncle Tim, but rarely goes to Tim's wife.  He in fact, doesn't even like Mama Polt to hold him!  Can you imagine that?  But he ran right TO me.  Even though he's only ever met me like a half dozen or so times.

Anyway, after this, I walked home, and then settled in on the sofa to waste the evening. I decided to watch my two favorites episodes from the new Doctor Who: "Blink" and "Turn Left".  And after watching them, even though it was only a little after 9:00, I was totally exhausted.  So I went to bed.  I intended to finish up the book I was reading, but instead I ended up just falling asleep..


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