Monday, September 27, 2010

Are you ready for some football (Week 3)...

Because Dallas' two disappointing losses the first two weeks, I have not posted anything about this yet, but now I can.

I got three things that I want to happen each week. 1) The Dallas Cowboys to win, 2) The Washington Deadskins to lose, and 3) whichever team I picked the week in the winner's pool I want to win.

The first one is because Dallas is MY team, the second is because the Deadskins suck and not in a good way and I hate them and the third one is because if I end up winning it this year, I get $500!

And this week, Dallas won, the Deadskins lost, and since I picked New England, I'm still in the winner's pool. Yay, yay, and YAY!


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