Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bitch, please, you still waiting, i'm still hating you...

Bossy, Know-It-All Coworker (BKC) is at it again. She went whining to our superior telling him how mean I was being to her, how much of a bully I was and how much of a poor vulnerable victim is she.

Okay, well I doubt she actually used those words, but that's the end result. And our poor superior is caught in the middle of the whole thing. I agree, I'm doing some petty things, but their are in response to the petty shit she does first. And of course she never points out to anyone the fucking petty shit she does.

And we're both ebing childish, and yes I recognize that, but for fuck's sake, I've had to take this shit from her for 14 years and now and frankly, I'm fucking tired of it. And I'm not taking it anymore. And she can't stand that anybody's questioning her edicts.


When I got home from work, I was so wound up, I took a walk for an hour. A fast walk. And now my calves and back hurt (in addition to the neck pain, shoulder pain and thigh pain I've had after this weekend with Kris), but it's a good pain. One I earned. And I don't mind it. Much.

Whenever she retires, and it canNOT possibly come soon enough, it will be one of the top ten days of my entire existence. Possibly in the top five.



Michelle M. said...

She sounds horrendous. I'll keep my fingers crossed that she takes an early retirement.

Love the poster.

Tam said...

Ugh. Why is work sucking for everyone I know these days? Is it the phases of the planets or what? We all need to win the lottery. s

john said...

Oh dude, I sooo feel your pain. I work with a bunch of over educated know it alls. Who, while they are very smart, are not mature and act like they are experts in everything. What's best is that it is my job to tell them when they are wrong; which is often. I'm sure you can imagine how that goes.

Anonymous said...

Wow, best of luck on this one.

I once was a unit director and we had this one woman on my staff that was, how shall I put this, a pain in everyones ass.

On days she was out sick or on vacation you could see the mood of the entire unit just lighten up. So I know how you feel.

that's J-O-S-H said...

What petty things are being done by both of you?