Monday, September 20, 2010

Thing's right for the weekend crazy clothes, anything...

I've been somewhat incommunicado this weekend, but for a few good reasons. I had a pretty bad toothache Saturday at work, so bad that if I could have gotten into the dentist that day, I'd have had the tooth ripped outta my head just to make the pain stop. I got some percocets from a coworker (shut up), took one, and then left work at 2:00 two hours early cause 1)all my work was done and 2) did I mention my tooth FUCKING HURT?

I did manage to get the dentist to call in a prescription for pain and an antibiotic, as I'm sure my gums were swollen. After work, I picked up Kris, and we drove to the pharmacy and got the scripts. We returned to my house, where we talked for a bit until the percocet finally kicked in and the pain subsided. Much to my pleasant surprise, the pain NEVER returned. I have no idea what cause it in the first place. Then we went to the bedroom and had the bedtimesexxyfun. Since it was then 6:00 and we had expended a lot of energy and were feeling rather peckish, we dressed and ate at Applebees.

Had a great meal. And fun times. He sang along to some of the music playing. We told stories. We laughed. I rubbed his leg with my foot under the table.

Kris is such a caring guy. Before I left work I called him to tell him of my toothpain. I asked if he still wanted to hang out, because since I was going to be miserable either with or without him, I thought I'd like to spend it with him. But I also wanted to ask becaue I couldn't promise how friendly or fun I'd be. His answer: "I just want to be with you even if I don't do anything but hold you when you feel bad." AWWW....I know! Also, he cares so much about his roommate Tony. Tony's girlfriend just broke up with him last weekend, and Kris was afraid Tony might just be hanging around the apartment all in a funk and alone. I met Tony last week, he's a nice kid and I didn't want to see him doing that either. So Kris called him and we ended up going to get him and bringing him back to my house Saturday night. And, one night in bed, post bedtimesexxyfun and pre sleeping, upon my request, he sang for me. Totally unembarrassed like the first time. And he sang well. I "awwww" inside.

A week from today, I'll be starting a D&D game with some old players from last year, and Tony and Chris will be playing as well. Oughta be fun. Anyway, we did some stuff with that to get them ready. And then we watched the remainder of "28 Days Later" that Kris and I started, but didn't finish, last week. And after that, we went to bed....Kris and I in my bed (with the bedtimesexxyfun) and Tony in the spare room. (Tony's a sweet guy too, and quite funny. But I say sweet cause he actually made the bed each morning when he got out! I don't even do that!)

Sunday morning, Kris and I woke up about 9:00, but we didn't get out of bed until about 10:30 or so (yes, more bedtimesexxyfun....God to be 20 again!). Once Tony got up and moving, I told them I'd take them to Denny's for breakfast, as Denny's is apparantly Tony's favorite restaurant in all of creation. But when we got there, it was packed. And as the Cowboys' game started at 1:00, and it was already 11:30, we didn't have time to wait. So we went to Tony's second favorite restaurant in all of creation: Buffalo Wild Wings. Yeah, for breakfast (they're able to eat damn near anything....God, to be 20 again). But they weren't crowded, the food was good, the company fun and entertaining, and we got home in time for the start of the game.

The game...yeah Dallas lost...again. Both games this season, they've lost. Both games they should have won. Both games, Kris watched with me. He's now forbidden from being around me when the Cowboys play. Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts.

Following the Dallas game, was the Redskins game, which they also lost, so there was one bright speck on the football front. Kris and Tony didn't really stay for the second game, and were putzing around on the computer through most of it. We ordered Chinese for supper, and then watched some Dead Zone episodes that Tony had brought along, and then watched a few early Smallville episodes. They took two seasons with them to watch.

About 10:00, Kris and I went to bed (ie bedtimesexxyfun), Tony went to bed sometime later, I don't know. I do know I spent much of last night next to Kris, his arm around me, mine around him, cuddling or spooning, and I had an incredible night of sleep. It took me a few times to get used to having someone else in the bed with me sleeping, but now I think it'll feel weird NOT having him there.

Anyway, this morning, we got up at 6:30 because I had to get a flu shot at work at 7:30. Getting up at 6:30 on my day off...that sucks! That's earlier than when I get up when I HAVE to work. They rode along and sat in the car while I got the shot. I know a few coworkers saw two 20 year old guys sitting in my car at 7:30 in the morning...I'm sure that provided a lot of gossip for the office grapevine. Whatever.

Then I took them to Denny's for the promised breakfast, just a day late. I then dropped them off at their apartment, getting a goodbye kiss from Kris. We won't see each other until Wednesday after work.

But instead of going home, as I had thought I was going to, I went shopping! I got gas, went to Sam's, the mall, KMart, Hallmark and the grocery store. And upon returning home, I did two loads of laundry, ran the dishwasher, and cleaned the kitchen sink Yeah, I don't know what got into me either. But lack of sleep and getting up early has kicked my ass. I don't believe I'll be up late this evening.

Naturally, I got a few photos. Not many, but a few:

Well, Kris actually took this photo with my camera. After the shower after the bedtimesexxyfun, he didn't want to wear the same shirt he had on all day, so I gave him one of mine: the Flash symbol t-shirt. Being a comic book geek (sorta) he could appreciate it. And this is the first time that anyone I've dated has been able to wear my clothes!

After eating we went to pick up Tony. This is Kris in their apartment, still wearing the Flash shirt!

Sunday night, Kris and Tony watched Smallville.

When we left to get the Chinese, I snapped this one.



Tam said...

OMG, you are adorable when you're all besotted. :-) Glad you had a great weekend, but yeah, 6:30 on a day off sucks.

Polt said...

Besotted? I'm "all besotted"? I don't even know how to DO besotted, but if you say so Tam, I'll take your word for it. :)


john said...

Awww, I like besotted Polt more than in the funk Polt. I'm glad you are having so much fun.

I've got the little dog this weekend, which is fun, but she likes to get up at 4:30 a.m. Blech.

Michelle M. said...

Kris looks great in the tshirt! He sounds like a real sweetheart : ).

that's J-O-S-H said...

I LOVE LOVE! CUTE! Get a picture of him wiffout da specs so we can see his mirror-image looks of Taye Diggs!