Thursday, September 30, 2010

Naw, they don't like that shit...

Things I don't like.

Misprounced words. I have a chronically high blood sugar level, therefore, I have diabetEES, I do NOT have diabetISS.

Pickles slices on fast food burgers. I always gotta take them off the McDonalds burgers I order, which means I get all the greasy condiments smeared all over my fingers. Like the pickle juice isn't bad enough.

Running out of Pepsi. How horrible is it to go to your fridge after a long, hot, sweaty walk expecting to find a cool refreshing soft drink there, and to be denied? Why can't I have a better memory when it comes to that.

My grandmother having a "grosssly malignant" cancer tumor in her colon and having to have surgery this afternoon. She's 87, how much can her body take?

Sending your boyfriend a text telling him your having a shitty day, but having him in your life makes you feel better, and telling him you love him....and not getting ANY reply whatsoever. Especially when his phone is like surgically attached to his hand like another appendage. And especially when he texts other people all the freakin' time.

Rain puddles when wearing canvas sneakers.

Bossy Know-It-All Coworkers.

Knowing there are chores to do (laundry, dishes, vacuum) and having no desire or motivation to do them, so they sit there, still needing done, mocking you.

The bye week for the Dallas Cowboys. Its like there's nothing I care to watch on that week, which would be coincidentally this Sunday. And it's also the first weekend of the month, which means Kris is off on his Army Reserve Manuevers, or whatever they're called, so he can't help with my boredom.

Accidently undertipping waiters that were simply awesome in their service. I'm gonna take some money back to the restaurant, apologize to the guy and give it to him.

A sale at the local comic book store the week after you damn near spent yourself out of house and home feeding your ravenous boyfriend and his roommmate.

Stink bugs.

Not having anything interesting to post about on your blog.



Michelle M. said...

I feel the same way about the word jalapeƱo. Love pickles, though. It's the only thing I have them put on my burger.

I'm sure Kris will get back to you. Maybe the battery died, or something like that.

Hope the surgery goes well. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

that's J-O-S-H said...