Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kris was here for about two hours this evening. Couldn't spend the night, but that's okay, any time spent with him is time well spent. And he'll be here Saturday after work into Sunday, so that's good. He said he make us something to eat, if we stopped to get the food (cause I got nothing but beer, yogurt, ketchup, an apple, and some moldy bread in my fridge).

Where is this gonna lead? I don't know. The pragmatist inside of me says one thing, but the hopeless romantic says another. So I try not to think about it too much and just let things go, taking it day by day. Whatever happens happens. It is what it is. And can I possibly come up with another corny cliche?

All I know is I enjoy myself tremendously with him and I assume he does with me, and that's enough for now.
Got an appointment to have that damn tooth pulled next Wednesay. However, with my upcoming work schedule and the fact I plan on being off work for at least a day afterwards, I'm going to reschedule it to a Monday, probably in mid-October. I know I'm putting it off longer, but it WILL come out. And before the holidays get here, cause I don't want tooth issues when there's awesome food to eat!
Grandma Polt had a colonoscopy last week. They found a mass. They called it "grossly malignant". So yeah, it's cancer. And yeah, she's having surgery next week to remove it. But before then, she's got to go through SO many tests, and consulations. And she is 87, so who knows how well she's gonna handle all this physically, not to mention the mental stress. Keep her in your thoughts and/or prayers.
Last night I was up until 12:30am watching high speed Internet porn. Not something I intended to do, at least not that long, but that's what happened so whatever. And all day today, I just could not get started. I had two cups of coffee early in the day and about three or four cups of tea throughout the day. And still, it took nearly everything I had to just stay awake. I was planning on just falling asleep on the couch tonight, which would have been nice, but then I wouldn't have been sleepy when it was time for bed. But then hanging out with Kris prevented that. so now hopefully, very soon now actually, I'll get to bed and to sleep.
And since this whole post has been somewhat melancholic, I give you now the eye candy! I have no idea what game these guys below are playing...

But I wanna watch it live, if not participate!


1 comment:

Tam said...

Well, that picture is slightly frightening, but a judicious use of socks.

So sorry to hear about your Grandma. Mojo for a full recovery after surgery. Mojo to you for no tooth issues until you can get it pulled. I got a clean bill of health at the dentist today, except for the lecture about flossing. Sigh.