Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The courtroom is quiet but who will confess...

So today I spent most of the whole day in court. Not for me, thankfully, but for my cousin. They were having a custody hearing over my cousin's daughter, Lexi (yes the one I spoke about HERE). Mom wanted to be there and she asked me to go along. And so i did.

It was an all day thing, from like 8 until 4:30. It wasn't really exciting, but it was interesting. Slow, sometimes boring, but interesting. Although, at one point, I was hoping Jack McCoy would pop up and start lawyering just to keep me from falling asleep.

When I was younger I had wanted to be a lawyer. Mainly cause I thought lawyers make a lot of money and I wanted to make a lot of money. Now I see WHY they make so much money: they need to make all the money to afford all the No-Doz pills they have to buy to stay awake.



Tam said...

I've never been in a courtroom in my life. If it ever happens I hope it's similar to your case, not on the receiving end of justice. When the judge came in did you here THIS?

Anonymous said...

Only time I've ever been in a courtroom is for the swearing in of a new prosecutor.