Thursday, September 09, 2010

I'm not sick but i'm not well...

I hope I'm not coming down with something.

Several people around work have been sick lately. This morning, my eyes were itchy, my nose was runny, I was sneezing a bit. Since lunch, I've had the poopies (although some Pepto has cut down on it tonight). Course, I did have eggs at Denny's for breakfast (had to get bloodwork this morning and had to be fasting, so I needed breakfast afterwards. Dont judge.), so maybe it's something with the eggs....who knows?

I just hope I'm not getting sick already. We're not even having the flu shots at work until the 20th! Don't wanna get anything before then!

Ah well, whatever. I've got plenty of Advil, can get some orange juice and mom can make some of her Homemade Chicken Corn Soup upon request. And I've got plenty of sick leave accured.

I ain't 'fraid of no sick bugs!


1 comment:

Tam said...

Eeek. Hope it's just a temporary thing. I know lots of people from all over the US whose kids went through the "bathroom" thing last week. Could be some temporary bug floating around. Hope you feel better.