Friday, September 10, 2010

I need a phone call i need a raincoat...

Was taking a walk tonight when my phone rang.

POLT: Hello?
COREY: Hey, I've got my friend here Chris, and you two are gonna make a movie and I'm gonna film it and it's gonna be called "Chris Squared."
POLT: ....Um, okay.
COREY: Will you talk to my friend Chris?
POLT: Sure.
CHRIS: Hey, this is Chris.
POLT: Can't be, cause I'm Chris.
CHRIS: (cute laughter) Yeah, I guess. So anyway, we were just sitting here talking and we brought up gay guys and Corey said he's got a gay friend Chris who's a bear. And I told him I think bears are adorable.
POLT: Why yes, we bears ARE an adorable breed.
CHRIS: (cute laughter) Yes, yes you are. Anyway, I'm bi and I think bears are lovely, so we should get together [I think his actual term was hook-up, but I'm not sure].
POLT: Yeah, sure, that sounds like a good idea.
[Then there was some dicussion of making sure we get each others' phone numbers]
CHRIS: So I'll call you...well, not tomorrow, I'll be gone. I'm in the reserves and I'll be gone all weekend, but I'll call next week. And we'll get together.
POLT: Yeah, sounds great! Look forward to meeting you.
CHRIS: Me too. Hey, Corey wants to talk to you.
POLT: Okay, bye.
COREY: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I found you a friend.
POLT: Yes, it sounds like you did.
COREY: Cameron says to tell you Chris is black.
POLT: I like black.
COREY: I know. And he' old are you? He's 20.
POLT: TWENTY!?!?! Does he know I'm 42?
COREY: Yeah, he loves 42 year olds!
POLT: Okay. Well then....thanks, I guess.
COREY: No problem. But when you guys get together I'm filming it and I'm gonna call it "Chris Squared."
POLT: Maybe we'll want the camera operator to join in.
COREY: Ewwwwww......
POLT: Yeah, well maybe not. But thanks anyway, man!

So, we'll see what happens. I've got Chris' number and presumably he's got mine So maybe next week, I'll have a date...or maybe something more.



Anonymous said...

*smoldering envy mixed with rage*

Hey, Chris :) :D :D :D *sound of birds chirping*

20, eh? Wow! And ... he's ... a soldier? Hm. Wow. :D What a ... lucky guy you are!!

*slinks off grumbling ...*

Polt said...

Well, I'm not getting all excited yet. I mean nothing's really happened. It's possible we meet up and there's not chemistry, or one of us finds the other repulsive or whatver. I just found the whole phone call funny and that's why I posted it.


Michelle M. said...

I'm playing catch up with the blogs. I'm reading your posts backwards so I already know how this turns out! Yay!