Thursday, September 30, 2010

I need to get a follow up....

Update in response to post below:

Bossy, Know-It-All Coworker was not at work today, so that made a good day.

Grandma's surgery was a bit delayed due to someone else's emergency surgery, but it's over now, she came through it okay, they got the tumor but won't know until they get the biopsy back what happens next, theye did NOT have to give her a colostomy (thank God), and before mom left the hospital, she was talking to grandma, who's biggest concern other than dizziness was that she wanted her teeth, even though she can't eat anything, cause she hates the way she looks without them. Worried about the nurses seeing your without your teeth? Yep. Worried about her surgery or her colon or her cancer? Eh, not so much. That's grandma.

Despite the torrents of rain, I managed to NOT get a soaked through canvas sneaker. And I have had some issues with water leaking in through a window in the basement, but this afternoon, there was nary a sign of it.

Kris called on a friend's phone to say his phone died, or something. not sure exactly WHEN that happened, but that might explain the no response to my text. Will find that out later. Still, just didn't feel like company tonight, so I told him that I came home alone. We'll see about getting together next week.

And on an unrelated note, Corey called me right after work. He said he missed me, and I told him I missed him too (which I do), and we talked for like a half hour or so. We plan on getting together tomorrow night after work, unless his girlfriend Chrissy is still in town by then, in which case he'll spend that time with her. Which is understandable.

Nonetheless, this whole fucking week has just fucking sucked so far. Blech.



Tam said...

So glad your Grandma came through okay. Hopefully the biopsy won't be as negative as you fear.

It has been a crappy time for a lot of people, I think we all need something to perk us up. Wish I knew what it was.

Michelle M. said...

I should just copy and paste Tam's comment.

Hope next week is better!

john said...

Great news on your Grandmother. I've heard of a few people who have that reaction to being seen without their teeth.

I wish I had something deep to say that would make things better, but I don't. Work sucks and I'm still not settled into the new house and I feel like I'm drowning under a to do list.