Monday, September 06, 2010

Some days are sulky, some days have a grin...

Despite wallowing in my ennui like a pig in shit the last two days, I have managed to have a pretty good time.

Yesterday for lunch I went to moms. She was making a meal for the both of us as well as my aunt and my grandmother. Mom made hamburgers on the grill (and kinda burned them a smidge cause she was doing too much talking and not enough grill watching) and corn on the cob. Oh the corn was simply delish. It was end of the season corn, which meant it was thick kernels and juicy and tough...just the way I love it!

Later in the afternoon, mom came down to the house. I stripped the sheet of the bed, we took the matress off (it's a king size bed, so it really does take two people), I moved the two twin box springs, we swept and vacuumed under the bed, then rotated the springs, and flipped the mattress. We put new sheets on, and I vacuumed the floor and rug in the bedroom. I also did a load of laundry, paid some bills and walked them to the Post Office. So I somewhat productive day.

That evening, A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking, emailed me to see if I wanted to do lunch today at Waynesburger, and I told him sure. It's not like I had anything planned today anyway (read my post from yesterday below).

This morning, I slept in until about 10:00. I was downstairs harvesting sunflowers (shut up) when ALCMDPP called. He said, "Can I come over now? It's LOUD here." and as I began to ask, "Loud how?" I heard the sounds of three young girls screeching in the background about something. So instead, I just said, "Yeah, sure. I've gotta shower, but come on over." I couldn't deny him, he sounded so pathetic and pitiful as he said it.

So when he got here, he suggested, instead of Waynesburger, we visit that place in Frederick I have been wanting to go back to: aka Friscos. And I said, "hell YEAH!" I've been wanting to get back there since we were last there in December.

I drove, and despite getting stuck in a somewhat short traffic jam (about a half hour) on the Interstate, we got to the restaurant before we starved. And the food was just as outstanding as I recalled. i got a sandwich loaded with ham, and cheese, lettuce, onion and some kinda mustard. And I got a bowl of this awesome chili!

After the meal, we drove to the local mall and I bought some books (like I need more of those) at Barnes & Noble. I LOVE that much more than the Borders, even though Borders is over a hlaf hour closer. The B&N is bigger, and cleaner, and much MUCH more organized.

So anyway, we got back home here about 3:00 I think. And I've been spending the beautiful, cool, breezy late summer afternoon sitting here, putzing around online and watching a Star Wars marathon on Spike.

And I don't fell the least bit melancholic like I was. I knew I'd get over it eventually. Thank God. And it's just in time, as today is too beautiful to be sitting around not enjoying it.


1 comment:

chelliewhik said...

You were in frederick and didnt stop by....I'm hurt :-( ;-)