Monday, May 09, 2011

Busy day for me today.

I planted some petunias in the front yard. Now, honestly, that's not as big a deal as it sounds. The front yard is perhaps a smidge larger than a twin bed, but not much. And it's just little white stones thrown on top of dirt. So all it took was to dig some of the stones and dirt aside, sprinkle some kinda growing stuff in it, and put the dirt and stones back.

And when I say *I* did it, I actually mean Mama Polt brought the flowers down and did it. Although I DID fix the little plastic boundry around the yard that had broken and I DID trim the red leafed little tree/bush that's also in the front yard. That was my contribution.

Then I performed a Maintenance Monday on the laptop: cleaned it up, ran Malware and Avast, and found nothing infected (yay!). Then I sat around the house, read books, putzed online, waiting. For the plumbers. Which arrived right before three.

See, last Thursday, the plumbing was clogged up and backing up into the basement of the other side of the house. The plumbers came and cleared it out. Then, yesterday afternoon, as I had the washer full of clothes and half full of water, I noticed it was backing up into my basement. Obviously, I stopped the washer and checked with the neighbor and it was all over her basement. So she called the plumber.

They cleared the clog, without having to dig up the concrete floor of my basement which they thought they might have to do. Yeah, lucky that didn't happen. Like I have the cash for that. But there's something blocking their machines somewhere in the pipe under my floor.

(The plumbing in the house is kinda wonky. My side all runs onto her side, joins with her pipes, then comes back out under my basement floor out to the sewer under the street. Stupid setup.)

The plumber's returning tomorrow, with a guy from the boro (whoopee) who's gonna be able to detect where the pipe runs exactly under my floor. But since everything unclogged now, I'm not going to have them tear it up right now. Maybe if it clogs again in a few days, we'll see. But I also want to talk to the plumber about severing the plumbing systems. It would be expensive, but that way, if it was clogged, we'd know which side caused it.

Anyway, after the plumbers left, I started finishing the laundry I had started. And then I walked up to mom's for a supper of steak on the grill. YUM!

The rest of tonight, I plan on doing nothing but sitting on my fat ass and watching TV. Which really, honestly, isn't all that different from what I did earlier today.

Yeah, it's tough being Polt.



Tam said...

I hope they were purple petunias. I love how you ... aka Mama Polt, planted them. LOL

My friend in Chicago just had to dig up a strip in her basement because a tree root grew through the pipes. Arrgghh. Hope they can fix it without lots of money. Does seem like a weird set-up.

Michelle M. said...

We have to dig up some of our foundation this summer. Goodbye travel plans.

I'm finally going to plant some stuff in the front yard. Want to lend me Mama Polt??