Sunday, May 15, 2011

One time, when I was twelve, in summer camp (Part 38)...

12 For The 12th
(on the 15th)

This whole idea is Chad's.  Visit his blog and see who else played.

This bridge I have to cross twice each day.  Last June 1st, they started replacing the one that was build in the 30's.   There was a stop light there cause of only one lane getting through.  That thing could take 4 minutes to cycle through and it was DAMN irritating.  Last week, they completed the work.  Now I get to pass over a wide, brand new, double laned, no stiplighted bridge!  Yippee

My breakfast: oatmeal, coffee (black) and pills.

After my escapade with Sean (see post below) I snapped this photo driving down the street after leaving his apartment.

I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things I needed.

At mom's house, Angel was very happy to see me!

I stopped and god Chinese takeout for mom and me for supper.  This is MY meal.

Mom made herself this jacket.  She also made herself a similar blue one.  And as I took the photo, she started to sneeze, that's why the look on her face is so weird.

I have a dehumidifer in the basement.  I empty it each night, dumping it into a large tub.  Then, I fill this pitcher with that water.

Then I water these recently planted petunias.

And these recently planted petunias.

And then I water all the plants in my twin bed sized front yard.

And this is my front picture window with it's recently repainted frame.  It was a tannish color, but I'm putting replacement windows in all the other windows in my house, and their trim is all white.  I wont be replacing this window, but now everything matches.



tornwordo said...

I wish our yard were little like that. The grass is crazy growing here but it won't stop raining so we can mow it!

john said...

Yay! Evidence of yard work! The flower bed looks good.

tornwordo, I feel your pain. It is supposed to rain here all week. My yard it going to be a jungle by the time I get to mow it.

Sunny Archibald said...

Good for you for using that water to feed your plants. I'm afraid I probably would have dumped it without thinking of putting it to use. That's a lot of pills you take; hope they're vitamins and supplements and not real medicine (since I don't like to think of my blog friends being ill).