Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's the end of the world, as we know it....

Because of all these reasons, I call 'BUNK" on the end-of-world-is-Saturday crowd!

10 Reasons Why The World Better NOT End On Saturday!

  • 10. Oprah's not telecast her big, huge, final, "you'll never see me on TV again and I really mean it", going-away episode yet.
  • 9. Justin Beiberbiberboober's not hit puberty yet.  Imagine how he'll sing once his balls drop.
  • 8. I haven't started reading Hunger Games yet.
  • 7. The merger of Puntabulous and Cocky And Rude is still over a week away!
  • 6. The Mayans said the world wouldn't end until 2012.
  • 5. Despite all my stalking and how hard I've tried, I've never watched Puntabulous 'merge' with anyone yet.
  • 4. Glee's Season Finale is next Tuesday!
  • 3. Puntabulous hasn't 'merged' with me yet.
  • 2. The final Harry Potter film isn't out until later in the summer.
  • 1. I've got hook-up/date plans with the hot guy Sean for next week!
Don't go selling all your stock, telling your boss to stick his job where the wun don't shine or drinking that 100 year old bottle of wine just yet, my friends.



Michelle M. said...

That's a pretty good list. Justin Bieberbiberboober still gets me.

Tam said...

Some excellent reasons. It's the kid's birthday next weekend so I think god would have some 'splainin' to do if he ended it before then. Although we'll be sticking around for several more months either way.