Monday, May 30, 2011

The devil got his due Love's holiday is through...

God, I HATE heat.  I hate THIS heat!  When I left the house today at 8:30, it was already 79 degress outside!  At Eight Freakin Thirty In The Freakin Morning!  And the humidity was quite high, making for a very uncomfortable day.  And this is only May 30th!  It feels like it might be End of July middle of August weather, BUT NO, only the end of May.  Bah!

Anyway, today was the Memorial Day parade.  The whole thing lasted maybe a half hour, 45 minutes max.  And it was comprised of mostly fire trucks, church groups, the mayor and our state representative, the high school band, the local town band, volunteers walking dogs from the humane soceity, and tons and tons of the kids playing in the Little League here in town.  Oh, and it had a bus carrying veterans from the V.A. Hospital over in West Virginia.  Those I clapped for the whole time they passed.  That's after all the reason for the parade.

Following this I went to mom's and hung out and read my book for a bit.  Cause the family was coming by for a meal.  But also, I was staying there cause she had her central air on, and it was more comfortable than it would have been at my house. 

And the family did arrive.maybe 20 of us.  We had pizza, meatballs and hotdogs, roated pork, baked beans, cheeses, deviled eggs, pickles, chips, mac salad, and for desert, fruit salad, chocolate dipped strawberries, and cake and icecream (for my cousin's AND her son's birthday).   And there was much socializing, gossiping and laughter.

Following this, and most of the them leaving, I walked back home.  And since I've gotten here, I've been watching the Revenge Of The Sith.  Not sure why, except there IS a shirtless Hayden Christensen scene in it, and that makes watching it worthwhile.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's 82F here. I love it.

You have to look at the silver lining of all this. Hot guys wearing next to nothing. That's a silver lining if there ever was one.