Friday, May 20, 2011

I pass before you Don't discount my gratitude...

After work, I went to Borders with my 50% off any one item coupon.  I found three books, one of which was an already discounted book and the most expensive of which was 16.99, so that's what I got 50% off of.  BUT, I also found, on their 40% off DVD table, the first season of Battlestar: Galactica. And it was callin' my name!  PLUS, since I'm a Borders Club member, or whatever, I go an additional 10% off everything on that table! 

So in the end, the DVD set and three books, PLUS tax, cost me less than the original list price for the DVD set!  SCORE!

Also, for the first time YEARS, I noticed two really hot guys working there.  There used to be, if not hot guys, at least cute guys, working there all the time.  But for quite sometime, it's been women or unattractive guys.  Which didn't hinder my shopping experience, but which did negate some of the pleasant eye-candy ambiance.

Nonetheless, now I've got DVD's to watch!  But I fear, this will result in my having to run right out and buy the OTHER seasons! 


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