Friday, May 27, 2011

In the name of entertainment Superstar psycho...

Some recent media matters.

1) the Glee finale.  Meh.  Kind of a let down, in my opinion.  Not bad, just...meh.  Kinda like most of Glee this season.  The most memorable part of the entire hour was the commerical about not using the word retard.  It was quite jarring to hear the words nigger, spic, chink, fag and kike said out loud on tv.

2) Battlestar Galactica: Season 1.  Very well done.  It truly is great scifi, great drama, great political theater, great military adventure, great plot, great (and unlike Glee) generally consistant characterization, and great special effects.  It's not perfect.  I've found the whole Six-inside-Baltar's head a tedious storyline.  I was bored to tears by the Helo-Sharon on Caprica storyline...until the very end.  And I don't like that Starbuck is apparently capable of doing absolutely anything and everything needed anywhere in the fleet.  That aspect of her reminds of a Wesley Crusher type thing.  But she's a much MUCH better character than Wesley.  But none of these are really negatives, more like...mild irritants.  And the season finale totally makes up for anything else in the series.  When Sharon so unexpectedly shot Adama, I gasped as I haven't done for twenty years, the last time being the "Mr." ending of The Next Generation.  Can't wait for my season 2 to arrive so I can start watching it.

3) X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  Got this on Netflix, and it was even more horrible than I thought it was going to be.  Truly horrendous.  Every single Hollywood cliche: big explosions, gunfights, bad-boy anti-hero, and even when all the kids are escaping from Three Mile Island (really?  REALLY?  TMI!  Come ON!), The ONLY one without a shirt was the hot blonde chick who had to run around in a tight wifebeater...sad. Sad and typical. The only thing missing was "the hooker with a heart of gold" cliche.  That, and a plot that made any kind of sense whatsoever.  Clearly, the film was made with one thing in mind: let's do whatever we have to to make the absolute MOST money we can.  Screw characterization, screw plot, screw intelligent dialogue.  Why bother making anyone actually have to think a little, let's just dumb it down to the lowest common denominator and pocket the rubes' money.  And that's exactly what they did.  It's a shame any money, time or effort was wasted on this 1 hour and 42 minute bit of tripe.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

I can only comment on #1. Yeah, Glee has not been as good this season. And who waits until the day before Nationals to write the songs you're going to sing? And expect to win? I thought "My Cup" was cute, though.