Thursday, May 05, 2011

I'll take, a photograph of you.....

The White House announced they will not be releasing photos of a dead Osama Bin Laden.  And I'm glad to hear it.  I see no upside to releasing them.

Al-Quaida is claiming he's not dead and that we're lying about it all.  Why should we give them anything to change their minds?  And if those photos got out, wouldn't that be used as a rallying cry to help recruit more terrorists?

Frankly, I don't care was terrorists think about this issue.  I don't really care what any foreigner thinks about this issue.  What I can about is Americans, since we, as a country, were the ones he attacked.  And again, even for us, I say, don't release them.

If you are someone who believes he's dead, and we did it, then releasing the pictures is pointless.  And if you're one of those crazy few who insist it was faked to help Obama, then release of photos won't change your mind.  In the view of those people, those photos would just as faked and photoshopped as Obama's long form birth certificate just released.  So why should care what they think or say?  People who see conspiracies around every corner will continue to see them regardless of whatever evidence or proof is presented to the contrary.  So screw 'em.

The people I think that SHOULD be given a chance to see the photos is the family members of people who were killed on 9/11.  If they ask to see them, they should be shown.  Just for some closure.  But again, not released TO them, cause those photos should be sealed up and kept safely secure. 


1 comment:

john said...

I agree, I see absolutely no need to release these photos. I have no desire to see the mutilated corpse of Bin Laden. And the idea that releasing the photos as "part of the mission" is absolutely ridiculous.