Monday, October 10, 2011


A few years ago, every Christmas, a friend of mine got me a pair of underwear.  One year, it was Superman undies, the next, Marvin The Martian, and another year, she got me Scooby Doo undies.  I couldn't really wear them cause they were too small.  Well, when I was rooting around in the underwear drawer, I found them, and tried them on.  And they fit!  And in addition, several years ago, when in Old Navy, I bought a Joe Boxer t-shirt, it was too small at the time, but now, I can wear it as well.  And there was a shirt that had my work's logo on it that work gave me several years back, but it too was too small then.  Just last week, I wore it to work for the first time. 

It's pretty nifty losing weight.
Torchwood: Miracle Day.  Thanks to FDot, I'm getting to watch it now.  I'm only on the third episode, but so far, it's not too bad.  Too much gunfire and too many car chases, but then that's the influence of American tv ways of doing things.  The story, it's taking it's time getting whereever the hell it's going, but I'm okay with the pace.  And of course, there's eye candy: Danny on the plane, the bartender in the Golden Gopher, Noah, the cute black gay guy working in the CIA with Esther. And of course there's the shirtless Mekhi Phifer scenes. I DO like how Torchwood always has the best eye candy. 
Glee's been better so far this season than all of last season.  Granted, there's only been a few episodes so far, so there's still plenty of time for them to fuck it all up.  But so far I've liked the characterizations, and how the songs have blended in seamlessly with the storylines.  Thank God it's no more of "Hey, here's you theme for the week" "Oh, Mr. Shue, I've got a song about it I want to sing."  Blech.
Totally forgot today was Columbus Day, until i took the coins I had wrapped up, $41 worth of them, to the Credit Union this morning, and found the place closed for the holiday.  At least I remembered before I went to check the mail, which, incidently, in past years, I have done.  And then, it was only once I got online that I saw it was Thanksgiving in Canada today.  So, um, yeah, Happy Columbus Day or Happy Thanksgiving, whichever's appropriate.
Thinking about maybe getting some Halloween decorations for outside the house.  But, as I live on a busy street, with an alley running literally right up against my house, I'm not sure that anything I put out wouldn't get stolen or broken.  I have had planters with flowers in them on the porch all summer, and there's been no issue with them.  But I'm afraid a jack o'lantern might just end up smashed in the alley, or against the house itself.  I'll have to think about it a bit.  Also thinking about putting a few Christmas decorations out this year, other than just wreaths on the door.  But we'll see.
And of course, I need to have the always obligatory Bits-N-Pieces Eye Candy:



Ryan said...

Yay for you! Of course, now you have to go out and buy a whole bunch of new clothes to show off your hard work.

Also, skinnier legs mean that your new pants will show off your . . . hard work.

Michelle M. said...

Congrats on fitting into your wardrobe - that's terrific. I think this year we're just going to put up some orange lights in the windows and tape some skeletons to the inside of the windows. We're not dressing up this year. Boo.

Anonymous said...

A hearty congratulations! Getting to fit into cool clothes is nice recognition of your accomplishment. I'm inspired and could use to drop a few stone myself.

I missed a sentence or two when first reading that opening paragraph, and had a heck of a time figuring out why your workplace used the "Joe Boxer" logo on its shirts. LOL.

-Cheers! TwoPi-