Sunday, October 02, 2011

Wow, it's cold.

I'm not complaining mind you. I love the cold.  Much rather have it cold than hot.  But less than a week ago, I was sleeping with the fan running and the window open.  And it's raining.  So it's cold AND damp.  Don't kow the temp, but yeah, it's cold.

Sleeping was simply glorious though.  A cold room, all wrapped up in sheets and blankets, warm and toasty.  In a little cocoon.  Love it.  Didn't want to get up.

I hope the rain does let up cause we've got air conditioners to remove tomorrow.  Mom and I are going to clear out, clean and then rearrange the living room tomorrow as well as flip the king sized mattress and clean up the bedroom.  Being cold would be fine, but being wet, eh, not so much.


1 comment:

adam said...

yay i love the cold (but hate the weather)