Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Smiles and Sadness

Today was..well quite a day.  First of all, at work, it was just insanely busy, just total craziness.  But that was really the least important thing.  I also got a flu shot first thing in the morning, and it was totally completely painless.  I barely felt the needle even going in.  I'm told tomorrow it was be a bit sore, but overall, it went quite well.

Then, a bit later in the morning, we found out that one of my bosses died earlier that morning of a massive heart attack.  It was quite a shock.

He and I weren't really close personally, but we had a great working relationship.  He would listen to all sides of a story before rendering a decision.  And while the decisionss didn't always go my way, they were sound decisions nonetheless.  And he always had an open door and a waiting chair for me if I had a problem or question.  Years ago, he listened to me vent my frustrations with another superior there, and then, even though I have no proof of this, I feel totally certain that he interceded on my behalf with this superior and worked to smooth things over.  After the talk he and I had, things between me and the other superior eased somewhat.  And now that I think about it, I don't believe I ever thanked him for that. 

There were people that work there that didn't like him, but you're going to have that anywhere.  And he wasn't a saint, but then, other than Mama Polt, who is?  But to me, he helped improve the conditions I worked under, both with superiors and Bossy Know-It-All Coworkers.  And for that, I am extremely thankful.

He will be missed, and not just by me.

So that all kinda put a damper on the whole day for everyone that worked there.

On the way home, though, i got a call from Kris, totally out of the blue and unexpected.  And I totally smiled, just hearing his voice.  We set it up so that he'll come over Sunday night after work, spend the night, and then since we both have off Mondays, not return home until sometime later Monday.  That totally perked me right up. 

I honestly thought, since we hadn't even talked since July, that he had....moved on.  I mean, wasn't interested in getting together or hanging out or anything.  And no, I'm not thinking this weekend will be anything more than it's meant to be.  But it'll be nice to be with him again.  We're so comfortable together.  Its just such a shame that we're not meant to work out.

But at any rate, this biggest, saddest news of the day was the loss of my one boss.  Now that, THAT is a shame.



Tam said...

So sorry to hear about your boss. It's always a shock when it happens that way.

Have fun with Kris on the weekend. It's great that there is a little bit of sunshine in a not so great day.

Michelle M. said...

That's too bad about your boss. He sounded like a good guy.

Don't wear Kris out on Sunday ; ).

Polt said...

Thanks ladies. but Michelle M., your concern is misplaced...it is I, not Kris, that needs be wary of being worn out. He's done it before. He's 21 and I...I am not. :)