Sunday, October 30, 2011

I really should go, Baby it's go oldside....

So you have heard we had a smidgeon of nasty weather here yesterday.  Or maybe you're still without power and don't even know I'm writing this.  Course, if that's the case, I'm pretty certain the first sentence I wrote comes as no surprise to you either.

At any rate, I left work early because of the weather.  When I was cleaning my car off, there was already probably three inches of snow or so already there.  And it continued to snow the rest of the night.  Down there at work, it was wet, thick, and heavy.  The roads were kinda nasty, although I didn't have any troubles, just had to take it slow.  I passed through four intersections with streetlights, three of them were out, no power.  The large mall in the area was closed and all shut down due to loss of power.  And even now, over twenty four hours after I got home, large areas are still without power.  The ParisPekings being in one of them.  Mrs. took the girls to a hotel, Mr is staying at the house in case the pipes freeze.

Here at my house, when I got home, I had no cable or internet, but did have power.  The cable/Internet came back on about 5 hours after I got home.  And I'm really not complaining, cause I've been in this house for over two years, and in the apartment for 12 years before that in all that time I have NEVER lost power.  And to my recollection, this is only the second time that I ever lost cable for any length of time.  So all in all, I'm pretty sastified with the power & cable companies around here.  Well their service anyway, their prices?  Yeah, we can have a bitchfest about that another day.

I heat with electric, and I generally dont leave it on overnight downstairs.  Or not at least until it's VERY cold outside.  So last night, I turned it off.  When I came down was COLD!  I turned the heat on, but the place didn't warm up very fast. 

It's okay now, and the sun's out and melting all the snow.  And I've heard 50's later in the week.  But this freak blast of cold was something!  I don't EVER recall snow here before Halloween.  I certainly dont remember it being this cold this early.  It doesn't feel like South Central PA.  Wasilla Alaska, maybe, but not South Central PA!

Oh, and some photos, oh my car half cleaned off yesterday, of the parking lot and what it looked like outside, and then the thermometer I have at the house.

The right temp is outside the house, the left temp is INSIDE the house!  And at 11:24 AM nonetheless!  BRRRR!



Tam said...

Wow. I know Adam is still without heat. It's quite pleasant here, around 50F and sunny. Weird that you guys are getting the snow. That happened last winter with all the storms, hope this isn't an omen of the winter to come. Mojo to all who need some electricity/heat.

Anonymous said...

They were predicting a snowpocalypse for RI too. We got an icy dusting but by about noon time today it was all gun. Bright, sunny day.

So alas, there will be no frost on the old pumpkin.

Michelle M. said...

Wow! That's cold. I'm glad you have power. In Colorado it would snow before Halloween. So weird. All the poor kids had to cover up their costumes with coats.

Stay cozy!