Sunday, October 16, 2011

I take a photograph of you...

So just a couple photos and the stories behind them.

I went to mom's for lunch today.  She had gone through her closests and pulled out 5 plastic bags full of clothes she's going to donate.  But while she's telling me this, she takes me to the bags and says, "Look at this!"

"Isn't it amazing?" she says.  "It's amazing that first of all, I could fit into this before.  Secondly, that I'd even bother to make something so hideous.  And thirdly, that I'd actually wear it outside the house!"

My only response was, "Well, the 70's were a strange time."

But yeah, she made that, like she did so many of the clothes we wore at that time.  I'm just glad we've gotten rid of all the clothes I wore in that decade.  Strange time indeed.

When I got home, as I stepped up onto the back porch I noticed this:

It's a walnut that some squirrel has 'hidden" away between the drainpipe and the pole.  I've noticed these at several places around my house: on a windowsill on the front porch, on a windowsill by the back door, in a corner of the front porch.  I assume it's all one squirrel hiding things away for the winter.  Makes me laugh each time I see it, but then I think, those damn squirrels, I remember how they were at my apartment.  Damn squirrelly bunch of squirrels!


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Aw, that's cute (the walnut). Yeah the seventies were a weird ass time.