Saturday, October 08, 2011

Raise the chords, the Dark Age is here......

Back when I was in 7th grade, I was friends with this girl named Michelle.  At the time, Mickey, by Toni Basil was all over the charts.  And I'm not sure how, but I took to calling her Mickey, which she loved.  Until she started dating this guy named Mike.  Soon thereafter he told me, in a somewhat threatening tone, to "Stop calling my girlfriend Mickey."  And so I did.

Fast forward 30 years (damn!) to tonight.  It's the Homecoming Dance at my local high school.  And Michelle has posted photos on Facebook of what I assume are her sons, all dressed up in ties and such, with and without their girlfriends, before going to the dance.  And as I'm clicking through them, I'm thinking, "Damn, those boys are cute.  Give them a year or two to become legal, and they'd be totally snoggable."

And then there was a photo of Michelle standing between both of them.  And it hit me: I am SO FUCKING OLD!  Those boys are older now than i was when I called her Mickey, and those boys could both be MY SONS...if I had sons.  I got no problem going to bed with a 20, 19, or 18 year old, cause, frankly, their sexy, hot, and damn near indefatiguable.  But it rarely strikes me of the actual age difference.  But seeing a girl that I went to school with having kids of almost that age...sheesh, it brings it all home and just kinda jumps up and slaps me in the face.  I'm SO FUCKING OLD!!!!!

And yet, on the plus side, for whatever reason, I can still get 20, 19, or 18 year olds into bed WITH me, so there is that. 



Anonymous said...

Yeah Polt, you have this superb talent for bedding the young ones.

Hey, more power to you that at such an 'advanced' age you can still score em'.

I've been out of the game for so long that I've completely forgotten how to do it. Being in a relationship for the better part of twenty years will do that to you.

Michelle M. said...

I feel you. The batch of kids I started teaching preschool with are all graduating high school now. On of them is 6 foot 3 and towers over me. Yikes.

Mark said...

I Totally Hate You for bedding those young guys. But at the same time I Totally Love you for the same reason. Not so bad being Totally Loved is it?