Tuesday, January 22, 2013

In the air, I'm in my underwear...

So kids , today's topic is....underwear.

When I was a kid, all the way through high school, and perhaps even into college (I forget exactly when) the only thing I wore was tighty-whiteys.  That's all that my dad wore, it's all my mom bought me.  And the only time I saw boxers was on TV or the movies when an older man took off his pants and they wore the pale blue regular boxers.  So I never considered them as something I could wear.  And to be fair in the late 70s early 80s, I don't think there was much in the way of men's fashion underwear anyway.

I remember when middle school aged, I saw this movie about a bunch of Australian kids who were kidnapped and held in a buried school bus while their parents were hit up for a ransom (supposedly based on a true story, but what do I know?)  At any rate, the group escaped from the bus and made their way somehow into a cave system, and they had to swim through an underground lake.  And as they stripped down to their underwear one of the older boys was wearing nothing but dark red bikini briefs.  And I was amazed (as well as somewhat turned on)!  I couldn't imagine anyone wearing something like that.

Anyone, somewhere around early college, I discovered boxers and phased out the briefs.  And once out of college I found boxerbriefs, and like them much much more than boxers, so I exclusively wore those for quite some time.

But in the last ten years of so, for some reason, I've gone back to boxers, and wore them almost exclusively. I think other types of underwear look hot and sexy on other guys, but one me, I got for what's comfortable, not for what looks good.  And I've got all kinda of colors and patterns, nothing like the drab boring uniformity of whiteness in the plain white boxers.

I thought of this because this morning, I happened to yank a pair of black boxerbriefs out of the underwear drawer, the only pair I have left.

So what kind of underwear do you wear?  And what kind do you like to see on your men?



Anonymous said...

Me, I went briefs to commando! I recall a funny moment about a decade ago when I was I.T. Director at the RI Department of Attorney General.

My, my network guy and my web girl are sitting trying to work out a problem on our web server.

I don't know who brought up the fact, I think it may have been my network guy, but the question came about that he was going commando that day. I echoed "Me too" and my web developer also answered in the affirmative.

Now we're all I.T. people and we have a different view on life and its necessities. Underwear just didn't make the cut.

Same as how a lot of I.T. people also hold amateur radio licenses, and are atheists too.

john said...

My feeling on underwear is a place for everything and everything in its place. I always wear briefs. I tired boxer briefs, but big thighs and boxer briefs don't go well together.

Polt said...

Mmmmm, big thighs........
