Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Welcome to my nightmare....

I've been having some weird dreams lately.

A lot of them involve my old apartment.  Like the one where I followed a big bushy black dog down the stairs (I lived on the third floor) and going by the apartment beneath me, the door was open and I looked it.  It was being cleaned for a new tenant, and the apartment was HUGE! Palatial even. It was bigger than the entire house it was contained it.  Kinda like the TARDIS (if you're not a Doctor Who fan, sorry that the reference is lost on you).  And I was all upset with myself that I lived in the apartment I did and not this one! And then there was something about me going to the backyard and having three of my friends/coworkers all being reverted to toddlers and us shooting the water from the hose at each other.

Or there's the one where I was going up the outside stairs to my apartment (even though there aren't in actuality any outside stairs) but at the top at the door was a nurse who I used to work with. She wouldn't let me and whoever was with me (I dont recall who) any further up the stairs or in the door.  And when asked why, she just pointed off to her left.  There, the house formed a turret and it jutted out on our right.  And in the windows, we could see the room withing, filled with old furniture.  And inside was a little girl, not looking our way,dressed like the girls on Little House On The Prairie.  And when I said something, she turned and looked our way and she was dead!  And glowing!  And the nurse told us to shush, that the girl was blind and couldn't see us, but could still hear us.  And so we did.  And she was frightening to behold.

But last night I had the scariest one in quite a while.  And thinking back about it now, it seems more silly than scary.  But here we go: In the kitchen of the apartment was a door that led to the back stairs. I was in the kitchen when there was a knock. I opened it, and there were two of my female coworkers and some man with a bushy beard.  He's holding a bunch of strange equipment.  And one coworker has a long pipe thing she's raising up to the ceiling and running the end back and forth across.

I ask them what's going on.  The coworker with the pipe is no longer there, she's replaced by the woman with very big hair, who I know is my neighbor downstairs. The other coworker says my neighbor has been bothered by ghosts and they brought the guy in to check it out.  And his readings tell him, the problem is coming from my apartment.

So I let them in.  The guys put this plastic see-throught vat, about the size of a sauce pan and filled with water , on the counter.  Then, he opens the freezer and says that yeah, that's where the problem is.  I look inside and dont see anything, but the big box of Arm&Hammer is pretty old, so I pull it out and throw it away.

The guy is horrified!  He says the spirits are now pissed at me.  I laugh it off.  He tells me to touch the vat, if the spirits are disturbed, the water will bubble.  I touched the outside of it laughing, and right where i was touching it, the water started bubbling like it was boiling.  I pulled my hand away and it stopped.  I did it again same thing.  Now, the guy is kinda backing away from me, like I'm contagious.

I'm still not sure, so I pick a wooden spoon and touch the outside with that, and the water STILL bubbles!  Now everyone else backing away, out of the kitchen, and the man says something like I'm now cursed and the spirits will have their revenge.

And that's when I forced myself to wake up. It was 5:01am.  And dark.  And I was SERIOUSLY scared.  I had to pee, but didn't want to get out of bed, but couldn't hold it.  So I got up and walked down the hallway telling myself I had nothing to worry about.  While peeing, I stood along the side of the toilet, so my back was not to the door.  And I turned a light on, which I never do.  And I tried to convince myself it was just a dream, nothing to worry about.

To prove to myself it was no big deal, I turned out the light and was determined to walk back to bed in the dark.  But i was barely out of the bathroom before I could almost FEEL a ghost next to me.  And I took off down the hall, convinced that a ghostly hand was going to reach between the poles on the bannister from the stairs and grab my ankle.  Or one would come through the door of the library or the stairway to the attic and grab me as I went past.  But making it safely into my room I quickly shut the door and practically jumped into bed, fearing a skeletal hand coming out from under the bed.

And I laid there and stared at the ceiling and thought of nothing else.  Eventually, I had to get my iPhone and play a few rounds of Angry Birds: Star Wars to take my mind off of it enough so that I could actually get back to sleep.  And I slept like a baby.

Like I said, no it just seems silly.  But in the darkness of morning and the eerie quite of my house and the memory of that dream....well it's crazy what your mind can make you think and feel, despite knowing, logically, it can't be true.



Tam said...

Wow, you're brain is working overtime. Not sure what it all means but it's weird when you have dreams like that which are so real and the emotion spills over even when you're awake. Hopefully you've gotten the worst of it out of your system and will sleep better.

Alex said...

man, and I thought I came up with some crazy dreams. Big hugs!