Sunday, January 06, 2013

No sleep till Brooklyn, foot on the pedal...

I have been trouble sleeping lately, and that never happens.  I blamed the first couple on the fact I had off four days over New Years, and slept in until about 930-ish nearly every morning.  I thought that may account for why I was having trouble falling asleep.  But I no longer think that's the cause.

I just can't seem to shut my brain down at night.  Normally, when I turn out the light, if I'm not totally sleepy, I'l run through some storylines for books that I want (have wanted for years) to write and that generally allows me to drift off.  But that's not been working.  I go from storyline, to storyline, to just stupid shit.  In fact, that's probably the problem...just thinking too much.  It's been after 1am, closer to 130 every morning, before I finally drift off.

And I'm not sleeping well during the night.  Usually I'll wake up a little bit to roll over, look at the clock and see how much time I have yet until I have to get up, and then go right back to sleep.  But lately, I'll wake up, look at the clock, and then lay there, trying to get back to sleep again.

As I said, this is unusual for me.  I never have trouble with sleep, at least not several days in a row.  But in addition to this, I read on Facebook a few days after Christmas a girl I went to high school with said she was having trouble with sleep too.  And then just today, I read there that my cousin said she's been unable to sleep lately.  AND a cute little twinkie boy I follow online said the same thing, that he's not been sleeping very well at all either.

None of these other people, to my knowledge, have ever met each other.  And it's all happening at the same time.  Coincidence.....or government/alien conspiracy??????

(I readily admit perhaps my lack of adequate sleep may be making me a bit more paranoid and Tea Partier-ish than usual)


Tam said...

Huh. Me too. I thought it was all the stress from the play, but that is 90% gone, now it's just as you said, stupid shit. My brain won't shut off. I did get some medication from my doctor which helps. It's not a sleeping pill, I can't remember what it's called. I don't take it all the time, but when I have a few bad nights I take some to get me back on track. Maybe it's the phases of the moon or something?

Amie said...

I was reading that you should not look at a tv, computer, ipad, or any screen for an hour before you go to sleep. Something about the screen waking up your brain.

Also, you could try more exercise.

If you are thinking about things that need to get done you could put a pen and paper next to your bed to write it down. Then you don't have to try to remember it.

Hope you get more sleep soon.

Alex said...

Huh, I've had the same problem since the holidays as well. Strange...

Michelle M. said...

Me too. I think it's because I'm getting old.