Saturday, May 09, 2015

And overflow, like a candle flame.....

Damn you, Barnes & Noble!  

You are constantly giving me coupons!  10% off this, 15% of that, 20% of the other!  

And when I don't use it right away, you send me an email, REMINDING me you sent me the coupon.  

And then you give me a countdown of the deadline (Only two days left! Coupon expires tomorrow)!

And THEN, you send me an email, asking, "Why haven't you used your 20% Off coupon yet?"  

Damn you!  It sounds like you're a caring friend, worried and concerned about my welfare and why I haven't been saving money with your coupons!

Damn you!  There ARE books that I want, but there are no books I NEED!  And my To Be Read Bookcase is now filled with books waiting to be read.  And there are in fact 6 books laying next to the To Be Read Bookcase because I have too many books to fit within the bookcase itself!

And here you are, Barnes & Noble, trying to get me to put even MORE books on the pile sitting next to the bookcase!  Trying though guilt.  Or concern.  Or temptation!

Why don't you just string up an IV drip, directly from my wallet into your coffers?


So now that I've vented....I'm gonna go wander around the B&N webpage and see what kind of book I want to order tonight to use the 20% off coupon.......


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