Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Conversation has it's hold on me (Part 1)...

Conversations With Kris!

So, Sunday night, while watching The Walking Dead, Kris turned to me (I think during a commercial) and said, "When the zombie  apocalypse happens, I'll come for you."  Inside I'm thinking, "Awww, how sweet."  Outside, I said, "You will not come all the way up here just to get me."

"Of course I will!" he said. "I can't leave you up here by yourself.  I'll gather my group together and we'll make our way.  And plus, Rutters is just a half block away, and Waynesburger is up the street, and there's an auto parts store back that way.  We can stuff at all those places when get you.  Yeah.  I'll get you."

And then a bit later, he was complaining about how one of the characters on the show was using guns.  And I just casually added, "Well, I've never shot a gun."  His head swiveled towards me, his jaw dropped and he looked at me like I had grown an eyestalk out of the middle of my forehead.  "Wha......?"

"I've held a real pistol...once.  And I've fired a water pistol before.  OH, and a beebee gun!"

Kris looked at me that way for a few beats more.  Then he shook his head as if to clear it, and said, "Okay, well I'm putting you in the middle of the group then.  All the rest of us will surround you."  And he sighed heavily.

But at least he's still coming to get me...that's good right?



Tam said...

I thought all American children got a pistol on their 12th birthday and a semi-automatic for their sweet sixteen?

It's very sweet. Just keep your head down and stay in the middle of the group.

Anonymous said...

I've lost count of the number of times I've fired a gun, rifle or shotgun in my lifetime.

Haven't shot one in about 15 years though.

Got pretty good with a handgun. Friend and I used to go to the range regular enough that we could do the smiley faces on the targets from 50 yards.

I wonder how I'd be now though - I'm way out of practice.

However come the zombie apocalypse I'm just getting a nice ax, the ones the lumberjacks use. You can take someones head clear off with one of those.

Polt said...

Amen to the ax, my friend. You never run out of ammo with an axe!


Amie said...

My husband has a huge plan for when it happens. You can come up here and stay with us until Kris comes to get you.

On the other hand, he says that we are doomed now that we have children because it would be hard to keep them quiet.

I just keep hoping they are the slow zombies and not the fast ones.