Thursday, October 25, 2012

On a night like this Trick or treat, wo, wo...

So, tonight in my town is Trick Or Treat.

Yeah, dont ask me, I don't know why either.  But as long as I can remember, it's always been on the Thursday before Halloween.  Which is okay if Halloween falls on Friday, Saturday, or even Sunday.  And which ROCKS if Halloween is on Thursday.  but which totally SUCKS if Halloween is on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

I dont hand out candy.  I fear having six pieces of candy left and ten kids running towards my door.  So I just don't do it.  Dad LOVED handing out the candy.  He'd get the candy well ahead of time and talk to nearly every kid that came up for candy.  He just loved it.  Since he died, Mom's handed it out in his absence, maybe in honor of him.  She never seemed interested in doing it before.

That last couple years, my cousins has brought my lil cousins (her sons) by and I didn't have candy prepared for them.  Had to give them just crap i had laying around here.  So THIS year, I got prepared with two bags of candy and even bought a purple plastic pumpkin to house it in.  The pumpkin's been inside the door since mid-September when I got it.  In fact, both Travis and Kris raided it when they were here.

So about 15 minutes before it was due to start, I texted Jaime to see if she was bringing the boys, but she said they weren't coming, cause they had football practice.  *SIGH*  Figures.  The one time I was prepared they weren't coming.   But to my surprise, I heard my friend Amie talking to her girls as they walked across my porch.  They came to get some candy.  So it wasn't a total waste in getting it!  Guess I'll just have to eat all that left over chocolate myself.

Interesting tidbit: Earlier today, Don (who I hadn't seen in probably over a year) texted me, stopped by and we had some bedtimesexxyfun.  Last year, on Trick or Treat, after it was over, I hooked up with a guy I met on A4A.  In 2010, when Jaime brought the boys, Kris was here, we were watching a movie, although the bedtimesexxyfun happened later that night.  2009, I wasn't home for the Trick Or Treat, cause I was in Greencastle hooking up with someone.  2008, my friend Gar and his boyfriend at the time, Tory (see the label "T" in the sidebar) came over.  We got pizza watched a movie, and when Gar fell asleep during it, Tory and I fooled around a bit.  And then back in 2004, Jaime and only her oldest son (cause the youngest wasn't born yet) stopped by the apartment when my friend Charles was living with me for those three weeks, and we had bedstimesexxyfun that night before going to sleep.

Who knew one could get so many treats from so many tricks on the same night each year?


1 comment:

Amie said...

I can't believe that you had that entire pumpkin of candy (which now you are going to eat yourself) and you only gave my girls one piece each. I should have turned your light on when I was leaving. ;)