Monday, October 22, 2012

So, my weekend...

I only worked half a day Saturday, leaving at noon.  It was still busy, but I managed to get everything done I needed to before I left.  It wasn't long after I got home that the mail arrived...including a package from Amazon: The Walking Dead Compendium 2!  SQUEEE......

So I delved into it right away, and read until I had to get ready.  There was a wedding I was going to.  I was in a D&D group from like 1992-2000 and 2003-2007.  The guy in charge's daughter was getting married.  I hadn't really seen any of them since I left the game 5 years ago.  But it was great to reconnect with them if only for one night.

They gave a bottle of champagne to each table for the toast.  Well by the end of the night, four empty champagne bottles sat around me.  I didn't drink ALL of them, but I did  help finish off three bottles that some tables had left just sitting there with some champagne still in them.  How wasteful.  And I DO love me some champagne.

Also, I was dragged up for the garter toss, and after being able to avoid it for the nearly 45 years I've been alive, this time, the groom threw it right directly into my chest.  Oh joy. I always hated the garter toss, at a few wedding I even locked myself in the bathroom while they did it.  So I guess I was finally due to get it.  Luckily, the girl that caught the bouquet was a girl I knew as well.  So i had fun making her laugh as I slid the garter up her leg.  But really, I don't want to do that again.  That's foreign territory for me, after all.

Sunday I slept in a bit, but got up and read some more of The Walking Dead, getting through over half of it, actually.  I got up and got ready and A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking came over.  We walked up to Waynesburger for lunch and then returned here to watch the Redskins lose (yay!) and then the Cowboys win (YAY!)  And I must have been talking the Walking Dead Compendium up a lot, cause he got the first one to look at it, started reading it, and ended up talking it home with him to read all the way through.  He said, after only reading a little bit of it, "This is better than the TV show."  To which I heartily agreed.

After he left I putzed around here, online, eating supper, reading some, all before I had to leave to get Kris.  It seems Sunday night is gonna be "our night" each week.  I got him from work, brought him back here.  We talked a bit on the couch before Kris asked to watch "The Walking Dead" on TV.

I have been avoiding that, because I wanted to watch the third season like I have the first two: all at once, one episode after the other when the DVDs come out.  But since he asked, well, I caved and we did.  Interesting episode.  I found myself comparing everything I saw to the books, and how it was different.  But I had forgotten how irritating Lori and Carl are in the TV show.  They are much MUCH less so in the books.

They had asked Kris to open the store at 7AM on Monday, so because of that, we went to bed after the show ended.  We cuddled and talked and had a good time, before deciding to just turn out the light and get to sleep.  There was, I think surprisingly to both of us, no bedtimesexxyfun.  But that's fine by me, I understood why. And really, just getting to sleep with him next to me is good enough for me.  This time.  Next week I'm not taking "i have to open the store tomorrow" as an excuse.

So I managed to somehow get him up at 6:15 am (and myself as well, I don't get up that early even why I have to be at work), and get myself up as well.  I woke up while Kris showered and got ready.  After dropping him off at work, I stopped and got some breakfast to bring home and eat here.  Then I read some more of the Walking Dead.  I took a nap, woke up and went to mail something and then got a late lunch.  Then I read some more, in fact finishing The Walking Dead Compendium 2 (in less than three days!).

then the rest of the day was just blobbing around here not doing much of anything.  I should have done some things, like laundry, or paying bills or taking a walk....but no, I pretty much just blew the entire day off.  That needs to be done everyone once in a while.

So now I'm settled in to watch the last debate (if it's like the second one, or perhaps the Monday Football Game if its boring like the first one).

Not a bad weekend all in all: light work, wedding, champagne, football, The Walking Dead, Kris sleeping over, and doing nothing all day.  Yeah, that's a good weekend.



Amie said...

When you did the garter toss at my wedding you were the cutest thing. You stood in the back with an uncomfortable look on your face holding your hands on your side. I remember thinking it would be hilarious if you caught it.

Side note - the man that caught it married the women that caught the bouquet. Just think....That could have been you.

Alex said...

Must resist urge to also get Walking Dead Compendiums :P

Polt said...

Gee, thanks for that reminder, Amie. :) And no, Alex, you really MUST get the Walking Dead Compendiums! Really!


Michelle M. said...

Huh. I found Lori and Carl to be just as annoying in the graphic novels as on the tv show.

Polt said...

Oh no, Michelle M., I think they are MUCH more annoying on TV. Not that they're NOT annoying in the graphic novels, just SO much moreso on TV.


Alex said...

Gotta agree with Polt. TV Lori and Car are leaps and bounds worse than their comic counterparts. I blame it on Shane sticking around so long. :P