Thursday, October 11, 2012

I'm walking dead now, only you remain....

So tonight, I finished The Walking Dead, Compendium Volume 1.

Man, was it something.  It collects the comic book issues 1-48, and with each issue coming in at like 30 or so pages, that's over 1400 pages I read.  In just a week.  That's how engrossing the whole thing was.

I've watched the first two seasons on DVD.  The show diverged from the comic books in several ways, important ways.  but both stand on their own as being pretty damn interesting.

The book, even moreso than the TV show, was at times pretty depressing.  I found myself, once or twice, not really wanting to pick it back up...but having too, cause I was so wrapped up in it.  And it's graphic in several parts, with things going on that I'm pretty sure will never be shown on TV, not even cable.

But as I finished it up, there were parts, things happening where I literally gasped out loud!  I can think of three right now off the to of my head.  I'm not going to mention them, cause they could be potential spoilers of the TV show, and I don't want to ruin anyone's enjoyment of that.

But seriously, if you're into the Walking Dead TV show, you really should read the comic book it was based on.  I simply can't recommend it enough.



Anonymous said...

I love the TV show The Walking Dead. Funny thing, I can take or leave vampires, werewolves, etc. But I love me some zombies.

Michelle M. said...

Harry and I have been reading along, too. I'm glad they differ, or I might not be as interested in watching the tv show.

The last episode we read (can't remember which one it was) sure had a wild ending.

Alex said...

I really need to get the compendiums. I used to read Walking Dead issue by issue, but I got behind shortly after the Jail arc. I hope the show does that storyline justice! :)