Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Still at it, till death do us part (Part 16)...


Tonight is the first presidential debate of 2012.  Today's Dead Or Alive is related to that.

In the 1988 Vice-Presidential debate, I heard the best line in any Presidential debate I've heard, or possibly ever.  Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle (who comparing himself to President John F. Kennedy), "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy.  Jack Kennedy was a friend of min.  Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."  Devastating.

So in today's Dead Or Alive, we've got a two-fer.

Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle

Mr. Bentsen was born in 1921.  After serving in WWII, he returned from overseas and served in the House of Representatives from 1949-1955. He returned to Congress serving in the Senate from 1971-1993.  He left there to become Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration. He left that position in 1994.

Mr. Quayle was born in 1947.  He joined the Indiana National Guard in 1966 to avoid service in Vietnam.  He served in the House of Representatives from 1976 to 1981 and then in the US Senate from 1981 until 1989.  He was the Vice President of the US from 1989-1993.

So tell me, Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle, are they.....DEAD OF ALIVE???



Tam said...

Danny's still alive but Lloyd's not is my guess.

Michelle M. said...

Bentsen, RIP. Quayle, alive and watching Murphy Brown reruns.

Mark said...

Bentsen Dead, Quayle Alive

Amie said...

Bentsen - dead Quayle - alive