Thursday, October 04, 2012

The Debate.

First, let me say I only watched the first 45 minutes.  I just couldn't take it after that.  What I got out of was the following:

"His plan says this."
"It does not."
"It does too."
"It does not."

Ad nauseum.  Like a pair of 5 year olds having tantrums.  Blah.

I think it's obvious Romeny 'won' the debate, with his aggressiveness, and a passion he hasn't shown so far in the campaign.  And Obama did look...uninspired?  So on those points, it was a Romney win.  But a win on substance or changing the race, I don't think so.

Romney accomplished what he wanted to, being aggressive and passionate.  Obama didn't accomplish what he wanted cause he did not look presidential.  But then again, neither did Romney.

In the end, my prediction: This will tighten the polls, but Obama will still win.  It was not a game changer, in an of itself.  But if Romney can build on it, then it may be the first step to a possible, albeit unlikely, Romney comeback.


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