Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I wanna get this out there before the second Presidential debate tonight:  I am worried.  I am worried Obama might actually lose this thing.  To Mitt "Corporations Are People Too, My Friend" Romney.  *SIGH*

It's just a gut feeling.  But in 2008, I was pretty sure Obama had it.  And in 2004, I was convinced, what with all the volatility in the polls, the Kerry would pull it out.  And I was sure in 2000, despite running a horrible campaign, Gore would have to beat Bush.  And in 1996, Clinton was so far ahead, there wasn't a lil bit of concern for me.  And in 1992, I was young and naive enough to know there was no way Clinton could lose.  And I don't remember how I felt right before the other elections prior to that.

I wasn't correct in all my assessments, but I always felt the right guy was going to win it.  However this time....I'm just thinking, Obama's not gonna win.  And yeah, I know he's got a slim lead in the national polls, and a lead in several of the swing state polls, and the Electoral Math is on his side still, yeah, I know that.  But I still think something's gonna happen, whether it's the Republicans stealing the election, like in Ohio in 2004, or highly placed Republican's fixing the election, like the 5 Republicans on the Supreme Court in 2000, or that the Republicans and Fox Noise and their ilk are going to convince enough low-information, stupid Middle Class voters to vote against their own interests....I don't know.  It's just this feeling I've had.

And I lay a chunk of the blame squarely at Obama's feet.  His first debate performance reminded me of how he dealt with Congress in 2009, 2010 over healthcare reform and taxes and stuff: it seemed he thought if he just laid out the facts, people would see the truth for what it is and go along with him.  And in a perfect world, yeah that's all he would have had to do. But when you have a Republican party filled with people that flip flop on the issues daily, say one thing to one group and the opposite to another group and then outright lie, even in a nationally televised debate, and then on top of it, you have a media who doesn't call them on it, who'd rather have a close race to keep people interested rather than do their fucking jobs, well by God, you need to call them on it yourself.  Point out the lies, the distortions the flip-flops.  Call them what they are.  Obama seems like he doesn't want to get down in the trenches and fight in politics, but dammit, that's what you HAVE to do when running against today's Republicans.

And you have to do it with some passion.  You have to LOOK and ACT like you WANT it.  And in the first debate, Obama looked like he wanted to be taking a nap.

And so I hope he shows some passion and drive in the last two debates.  And it hope it'll be enough.  Cause in the end, if Obama wins, we're gonna get more of the same, which mind you isn't all that good, but if Romney wins, it's gonna be SO very much more worse!


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