Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'm not sure how much longer we're going to have Angel with us.

In the last ten days or so, she's been panting all the time, like she has trouble getting her breath, even just to walk outside and go to the bathroom.

Every morning, when mom lets her out of her cage, for as long as we've had her, she runs in about four little circles before she makes it to the door to be let out.  This week, mom said when she did that and got outside, one time, he back legs didn't seem to work and she just plopped down.  And another day, he front legs just went out from under her and he chin smacked on the sidewalk.  And the first day, Angel got into the grass and then just kinda listed to one side and fell onto her side.  Mom was afraid she had a stroke.  But each time, after a few seconds sitting or laying still, she got up and was fine.

Mom figured she's making herself dizzy by running in the circles.  So this morning, mom picked her up right outside her cage and carried her out into the grass, and she was fine. So we may have that mystery solved.

Also, in the last few weeks, since she can't hear, mom has been putting a leash on her just to go outside to go to the bathroom.  Previously, when on a leach, she'd jerk and pull and act all the fool.  But since mom's been doing this, she said Angel just walks along beside her slowly.  And today when I was letting her out without the leash (cause I forgot) she pretty much stayed right beside me the whole time instead of going off on her own ahead of me.  And that's unusual too.

Of course, she been deaf for quite some time now, but she is looking pretty thin too.  Mom says she eats like she always has, but still.  She's acting...tired and lethargic.  And she just looks....not well.
She's gonna be 16 if she live to October, and that's pretty freakin' old for a dog.  And she's lead a good life. I just hope she's not in any pain or suffering.

I'm having mom keep me updated daily.  Maybe this will pass....but I dont think so.



Anonymous said...

I hate to be the barer of bad news but when a pet changes it's behavior that dramatically it probably means the end is very near.

And at 16 years she's had a fairly long life for a dog.

Sorry to hear though.

Michelle M. said...

Oh no, this is so sad. Poor Angel, I hope she's not in pain. Give her lots of extra snuggles.

Amie said...

I saw her yesterday and thought that she was going slow. Poor little girl. I hope she is not in pain.