Saturday, June 22, 2013

So mom and I are both doing well.  As well as can be expected, i guess.  We're still sad, of course, but we're moving on.

We put Angel down at about 4:00 Thursday.  At 5:30 Thursday, we had an appointment at mom's church to have a family picture taken.  Mom set this up a few weeks ago with the assumption it would be she and I...and Angel.  *SIGH*    So of course we were in no condition to have a photo taken.  So she went to the church from the vet's and explained it, and they said they could fit us in Friday at 5:20 if that would work.

I went to pick up mom a lil bit later, she said she was up at Mary Lou's, mom's neighbor.  When i got up there they were on the porch talking, and they were both crying a bit.  Mary Lou had been watching Angel too basically since dad died in 2007, and she had grown close to her as well.  So the three of us chatted a bit and shared some memories and then mom and I went back to her house.

And right away, mom set about taking care of things.  She had to get Angel's cage folded up and ready to put on the attic.  She gathered all the tons and tons of food and snacks she had for Angel.  We were both surprised at the amount.  We packed up all the unopened stuff and plan to take that to the Human Society and donate it.  All the opened stuff, they wouldn't take.  So I called the ParisPekings and they agreed to take all that for thier Jack Russell named Missy.  At least the food is going to a good home.

Following this, we went to a Chinese Buffet in town and ate there.  And then came home.

Friday, after work, we went out to get the photos taken (one for the Church Directory [which I felt kinda stupid being in, because I haven't been to that church in close to 20 years] and a few for us to keep).  Following this, we went to the Pet Smart in Chambersburg to return a 40 pound bag of dog food that mom hadn't opened yet.  Then we ate at Fuddruckers and came home.

We did a lot more talking about Angel and all that happened.  She said three times earlier that day she thought she heard Angel's tags on her collar rattling.  One time, mom even turned around to look towards to doorway thinking she was coming in from the living room.  But of course, she wasn't.  It'll just take time I guess.

But now that time's passing and we're coming to terms with it, I think I'm ready to get back into the blogging thing.  So, away we go.


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

Aw, that's so sad. I really feel for you and Mama Polt.