Thursday, December 17, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 250)...

Chapter 12, Page 15...

Tuesday, I got up and to work, arriving just a little bit late.  I had the normal weekly paperwork to get completed, which I did without problem.  It wasn't an altogether bad day.

During the day, I recieved and email message from the guy I met last week (35, 6'4, lean, ripped, we met outside on his back porch and had our bedtimesexxyfun there) (for clarity's sake, from now on, he shall be called BP).   He was asking if I was free that evening. PFFFFT, for him, of COURSE I'm free!  We decided on a bit after 7pm cause he had to put his daughter to bed first.

After work, I drove across town and got my monthly cut-n-color.  All went well there too.  I came home and hung out here until about 7pm when I sent him an email asking if it was good to come out now.  Damn email, there's some kinda issue with it, cause about 740, I get an email from him asking if I'm still coming out!  GEEZ! I went out right then.  And once again, we had some pretty awesome bedtimesexxyfun on his back porch.  (Im just glad it's been unseasonably warmer this December...he had a portable heater running while we played, but honestly, as it gets colder, I dont think I'm gonna be able to play outside like that).

Afterwards, I came home, read some, putzed around a bit online and had a pretty decent evening.  Then I went to bed, read a little bit more and then went to sleep.


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