Wednesday, July 14, 2010

As the four regular readers of the Palace know, I've been kinda 'blah' about blogging lately. Against what I intended, lately, the Palace has turned into little more than a photo-blog. Granted, those photos are uniformly of freakin' hot and sexy guys, but still.

I've been feeling somewhat 'blah'. Nothing like the deep dark pit I fell into in February. And it's not like I'm depressed. I had a wonderful time last night with The Goddess V and "The" Mighty Lee. I enjoyed myself with Mrs. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking last Thursday. I had a fun time with ALMDPP on Sunday with our shopping adventure. It's just, when I don't have anything planned, I just lay around and don't do anything. Which, honestly, isn't all that different from what I do when I'm NOT feeling 'blah'.

I think I just need some excitement in my life. But I want it delivered to me, cause if I have to go out and find it, well, that's just too much work.



Tam said...

I'm with ya honey. I can't even muster up the enthusiasm to read which for me is like losing interest in breathing. Sigh. Excitement delivered to my door would be good.

Michelle M. said...

I can barely muster the energy to comment.

that's J-O-S-H said...

Why is he a local celebrity?

Polt said...

Josh: When I first starting talking about him here, I just called him "Mr. David ParisPeking", but he told me it wasn't fancy enough, that he wanted to be addressed as a local celebrity. Hence, the name.