Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stay in my good books....

So recently I finished the last Torchwood book in publication, "Consequences". (see sidebar at the left) The books, all 15 of them (that I read in order, thank you very much), kept me going after the second season before...*shudder*..."The Children Of Earth", and even after that travesty as well. I spaced them out to make them last. Alas, I've devoured them all.

I've seen the Doctor Who books, and not been tempted. I've passed them by on my way to the Torchwood books. But today, when I was in Borders, I walked passed the Doctor Who books again. I saw about a dozen of the David Tennant Doctor books, with both Martha and Donna in them. And then I noticed this:

"Apollo 23", with the new Matt Smith Doctor, and Amy Pond. I figured, maybe with the new Doctor in place, the new Doctor books might be worth reading. So I picked it up. Like I need any other books in my 'to-be-read' pile. But then buying books isn't really about need anyway, is it.

And speaking of this, just saw "The Pandorica Opens". WOW! What a storyline. I'm SO glad I don't have to wait four months to see the conlcusion like you do with US tv shows. I only have to wait until next week!


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