Monday, July 19, 2010

These automatic flowers won't do these...

Earlier this year, in May, I got some flowers and mom and I planted them in planters and in the front "yard". I have, in the past, killed every single plant that I've ever had in my apartment except for one diffinbacia plant. But so far, these flowers have survived nearly three months. It helps, I suppose, when I remember to water them all every evening when I get home from work.

Anyway, over the weekend, I when I watered them, I decided to take photos, to have proof that my black thumb might have turned a shade greener recently.

The purple flower (I think all these are posies? Pansies? Petunias, maybe? Pfft, what do I know about flowers anyway?), he's in the front 'yard' and he's blooming like nuts! He started out with just one bloom, and now he's got like 6 or 7 of them blooming. All at once. He's my favorite.

This is the same kind as the one above, but this one's white. And she's doing pretty well herself.

This is my front 'yard'. Yeah, it's all covered in stones, but there's earth undernearth it. And you can see off on the left the purple flower and on the right, the white one. On either side of the purple one are two yellow plants that were there before I moved in. Also, the tree thingee in the upper right corner was there as well. The other things in there are apparently weeds of some sort. But they were coming in with purple blossoms, and as I like purple, I just let them grow.

And this is a bunch of potted purple and white ones I have sitting on the porch. There is a red colored flower planted between in there as well, but I pulled the blossoms off, cause mom said I was supposed to do that periodically, so new blossoms could grow. But when I last did it, well, the red blossoms still haven't come back. So we'll see what'll happen, if they do or not.

Or if I revert to form and end of killing them before too much longer. Who knows?


1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

I think the purple guy is a petunia. And the red flowers are geraniums.

Congratulations on your flower garden!