Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ignited like a roller coaster, it keeps goin...

So I'm back to work today and have about a much motivation as I have use for a tampon (readers of a certain Facebook thread will appreicate that. those who aren't, well, you're all the better for NOT knowing). I mean I got some things done, but other things, I just put aside and didn't do. Which I shouldn't have, as I've only got two more days at work this week. Oooh, they'll be busy, insanely busy I just know. And wouldn't have been if I'd done that shit today.

Anyway, then I get a call from a guy I'll call 'K'. K's another of those guys I've known for several years, but not really been friends with, just acquaintances. At any rate, he was having an issue that he wanted my advice on so we talked for a short while. And it came up that, well, perhaps, some weekend this next couple months I'll be making a trip a bit north to spend some time with him, catch up, and....well, possibly have other kinds of fun. I'm not sure exactly how that even came up in conversation, cause as far as I knew he was straight. But apparently, he plays a little on the side. Who knows, at any rate, I was a bit less motivated about work and excited about other things.

THEN, I get a call from mom. Her brother was in the hospital over the weekend due to tearing an artery in his groin. But his daughter called her today and said she needed mom to go to Harrisburg (where he's at), because she (the daughter) can't handle this herself. And it appears maybe he's bleeding into his brain, I'm not sure cause mom wasn't either. At any rate, that kinda put a serious damper on the rest of the day, worrying about him, and my cousin (his daughter) and my mom traveling up there, and to a lesser extent if and how much this might impact my travel plans for this weekend. But bear in mind, my MAIN concern is for him!

So yeah, today was pretty much of a rollercoaster ride of emotion.


UPDATE: Mom called and said my uncle was doing fine. It wasn't a brain bleeder, but a reaction to too much narcotics. When mom called, he was awake and talking, albeit quite tired. They had the 'boxing gloves' on him cause when he was rambling he tried to pull the tubes out of his arms. But he's doing okay, and appears he will be okay, just needs recovery time.

UPDATED UPDATE: Got a call from K, and to make a long story short, it looks like next weekend I'll be traveling a bit north and spending some time with him at his place. Suh-WEET!


vuboq said...

Next weekend? Pool Party Weekend? Are you abandoning us for Hot Timez? or is it the weekend after? am slightly confuzzled.

Glad your uncle is ok!


Polt said...

VUBOQ, my love, THIS weekend is the Puntabupoolparty. next weekend is my (hopefully) hookup with K.

You think I'd dis all my Puntabupeeps just for a shot at some straight boy ass? Well, yeah, okay I probably would, but NOT this time, son! I'm all over the Puntabupoolparty like white on rice!


Michelle M. said...

I'm glad to hear your uncle is doing better. And, wow(!) two fantastically fun weekends in a row!

Craig said...

Wait. Who is K? Where was that story told? I need a link!

john said...

Hmmm, busy, busy man. Glad to hear your uncle is doing better.

Polt said...

Craiggers, there IS no story or link. We spoke yesterday, just catching up, I guess, and it ended with us maybe hooking up next weekend. Who knew?

I can give you the whole story over the weekend, should you be so inclined.
