Sunday, July 04, 2010

A day in the life....

So, Happy Independence Day to all my countrymen who may stop by. Since I took off yesterday, I had to work today. It wasn't all that bad. It wasn't busy, and it was kinda laid back, what with all the higher-ups not there. I didn't get to sleep until about 12:30 am the night before, but I did manage to get up this morning and to work by 8:00.

However, the day has kinda sucked cause of one of my teeth. The last one on the right top, the one that will have to be pulled at some point, started hurting last night. I don't know exactly what happened, but it's throbbing with nearly every beat of my heart. I can push on it with my tongue, I can push on it with my finger, but if I tap it, even very lightly, on the tooth below it, like when I'm eating, pain shoots upwards. Not fun. Makes eating a very careful cautious thing.

I'm hoping the pain will subside as time passes. One good thing about the pain is, if my tooth's hurting then I'll be more willing, anxious even, to get rid of the tooth. Course, I don't really wanna have the pain for two more weeks.

I'm sorry to keep whining about my dental issues here, but GOD, I am SUCH a pussy when it comes to tooth pain. I just cannot stand it. I'm seriously contemplating telling the dentist I want to be knocked out when he does the work. Haven't fully come around to that decision yet, but I'm working my way there.

At any rate, in other news, it wasn't as hot today as it was supposed to be, although it was pretty hot, like 95 degrees and not the hundred plus projected. But the humidity wasn't outrageous, so it was bearable. And I fell asleep twice for short naps on the sofa while watching TV.

I think it's time for bed for me now. Got stuff to do tomorrow that I'll post about tomorrow, perhaps. At any rate, i hope everyone enjoyed thier holiday!


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