Friday, July 09, 2010

Last week i had everything...

So, since all of you are asking, this has been my week.

Saturday, I was off work. My town was having all the 4th of July festivies on the 3rd. Well I mean HOW could they POSSIBLY have a parade at the same time people were going to church!! That would be sacrilige. So instead of Sunday the 4th, we get Saturday the 3rd. Anyway, I went to the parade, the jubliee, hung out with mom, yada yada yada.

Saturday evening I went to The ParisPekings to watch, with them and Ghostie, the most homoerotic straight man's sport in existance: UFC. I mean come on, it's young, hot, muscular, sexy men wearing very little clothes and rolling around on a mat, on atop the other, the bottom's legs wrapped aroung the top's waist, etc, etc. If it weren't for the punching, blood, and not removing of clothes, it could be one of many sexual excapades that I've been personally invovled in. .....And now that I think about, well, it could be regardless. But I digress...

Since I had off Saturday, i had to work Sunday. It wasn't bad, kinda laid back and easy. Enough work to keep from being bored, but not enough that I metaphorcially broke a sweat.

Sunday night, the tooth pain I had that started Saturday night flared up to it's white hot painful fullness. In fact, Monday morning at 1:30am it was so bad, it woke me up. With the right side of my lower face in pain. I got up and swallowed four Advil and went back to bed. Eventually, I got to sleep, but it was a fitful sleep.

Monday, I was supposed to go with two friends for a day of shopping. But as I was in pain and they were both hungover so we decided to postpone. The pain was so bad, constant throbbing, that I took a vicodin I had left over from my infected spider bite. But it was getting better.

On Tuesday I went to work, and the tooth was even better. This has happened periodically in the past, the pain is always only about four days long. But this time, the pain was worse than before. I'll be glad when the tooth is pulled.

Tuesday night I went to eat with my ex-co-worker, Me-Chell. She and I had fun eating Mexican at Montezumas's enjoying the food and eat other's company, as well eyeing up the waiters and digging their cologne.

Wednesday after work, I went for a cut-n-color. My stylist, however, was fired from her old workplace because they discovered she was preparing to open her own shop. So, I went to the new shop, even though it's not officially ready, nor officially open. She didn't have hair dryers, she didn't have the wash stations, and she had an all new brand of color that she hadn't used yet. I told her, due to the circumstances, I'd prefer just a wash in the big tub she had and a cut. We'd do the color next month. She didn't want to do it that way, but I talked her into it. She did a good job under the circumstance, but I'm gonna be mousy brown and white instead of redheaded for about a month.

That evening, I got a call from Corey. We haven't talked in...well quite a while. But we caught up a bit. Talked about getting together soon. That'll be cool.

Thursday, after work, Mrs. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking came by to finally see my house. Then we went to eat at Montezuma's (apparently, I'm becoming a regular) and had another good time. We even had desert this time, fried ice cream....yum.....

Afterwards, we came back to the house and talked. We also watched the first episdoe of Torchwood. I figured since she loved X-Files and Star Trek: Voyager, she'd be all about Torchwood as well. She seemed to like it, but maybe she was humoring me, I don't know.

Tonight, I don't have anything really exciting on tap. Just a night of farting around on the computer, staying in the air conditioning and listening to my arteries clog. Yeah, I rock.


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