Thursday, July 15, 2010

I just don't understand, understand...

So the Republicans line up lockstep to prevent those Middle Class Americans who, because of the recession, have lost their job and been unable to find another, supposedly because it adds too much to the budget deficit. But at the same time, they demand that Bush's obscene tax cuts to the wealthiest, richest Americans, be extended, despite the billions they add to the deficit.
In other words, the Republicans want to ensure those with the most money still get more government help, but they want to just screw over those average everyday Americans who need help the most.
Honestly, how any person making less than $150,000 a year can ever vote FOR a Republican again is entirely beyond me. It's like voting against your best interests. Kinda like a Jew voting for the Nazi candidate or the black man voting for the KKK candidate. It's sheer insanity.
But then, so is the policies and politics of the Republican Pary.

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