Saturday, August 08, 2015

I said do you speak-a my language, he just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich....

So, in the late morning today, a co-worker slumped into my office, plopped down in my chair and said, "Sometimes I envy you."  I said, "Really?"  And he said, "Yeah, you gay guys dont have to deal with women's shit."

He was having some issues with his wife and their communication and stuff. But I said, "yeah, I know."  and told him what it reminded me of.

Johnnie one time said, "You gay guys have it so easy!  As a straight guy, I have to first talk to a girl, make conversation, ask her out, go to dinner and a movie, pretend to be interested in her, and then after two or three more dates, MAYBE I'll get some nookie.  But you, you don't even know their names, and you're having sex with them."

I nodded and added, "They don't even need to speak English."  Which is true in one case, cause one time in Toronto, the guy I was playing with was moaning and mumbling things in French.  That doesn't mean he did NOT speak English as well.  It just means for the 15 or so minutes we were together, I never heard him speak it.

My co-worker just kinda looked at me after telling him all that, a few moments passed, and then he just pressed on with his marriage issues.


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