Sunday, August 16, 2015

Someone book me a room (Part 228)...

Chapter 8, Page 15....

So we're nearly halfway through August now...thank God.  Saturday I got up and to work, and work itself was no problem.  Work also, was no problem. I got the new clients taken care of and the paperwork that needed done, done.  I also had time to talk to coworkers some, that's always fun.

After work, I stopped by Freddies and got a sub for supper.  They are always so delicious, and this one was no different.  After that I spent the evening on the computer or watching TV, I managed to catch the entire movie, from beginning to end, of Clue!  LOVE that film.  I also read some.

At one point, mom stopped by.  She said she had been to the cottage three separate times that day.  She seemed tired, which I suppose isn't a surprise, since she's been out there so much.  I told her she should have had me come out to help.  But as she explained it, she has no plan.  She goes out and starts clearing out a box.  And in the middle of that, she sees something else that needs done, so she starts on that.  And in the middle of THAT, she finds something else that needs done, and so she starts on that.  And she never gets anything that she starts done.  Or at least not in the order she starts it.  I tell her not to push herself and just take her time doing it, there's no rush.  The big furniture move is Tuesday, and after that she'll be living there, so she can unpack a box at a time then.  And she'll be able to put things away, whereas now, some boxes she can't do anything with until the furniture and stuff gets there.

But anyway, after she left, I continued doing the normal shit.  And then, later in the evening she called me.  She had to make a FOURTH trip out there because she left the garage door open!  *SIGH*  It's the second time she did that...and she's only had the keys like 5 days.  This time, someone saw it and called mom's friend Polly, who called mom and told her.  And mom just sighed, she said going out was no big deal cause she'd already been out there three time, what's a fourth?  Luckily, the cottage is only 4 miles from my house, and probably the same distance from hers, so it's not that far.

After this, and after Clue, I went to bed, read some and then to bed.


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