Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Take you places you've never been before...

I've been thinking a bit today about Danny.  He's not been my longest fuckbuddy (that would go to Dave) although Danny and I have been fooling around since like 1989 or 1990. There were long periods of not doing anything together, but still, we always end up playing again anyway.  

But I do think Danny is perhaps the guy I've played with in the most varied of places.  As I think back on it, he and I have had the bedtimesexxy fun in the following places:

1) Adult Bookstore we met in
2) His grandmother's house (he was living there at the time)
3) the stage in a local dinner theater he was acting at & had a key to
4) The back row of a movie theater
5) My apartment
6) His apartment
7) My house
8) The half a house they were renting, and now....
9) The house they bought.

I dont think I've done the nasty with one person more than 9 different places.  Not with Kris.  Not with Freddie.  Nope, not with anyone.  Other than Danny.


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