Sunday, June 20, 2010

Alive and kickin'....

Okay, ifrst of all, I'm alive and still relatively well. Friday at work was a bit rough. there was more squeezing of the pus and blood, accompanied by more screaming from me. In the afternoon, one of the nurses, who had been checking it surrepticiously each time I went into Medical, told me I now had cellulitis of the elbow and needed to see my doctor right NOW. (God bless you nurse Debbie!)

I called my doctors office at 1:00 and gave the receptionist my info. She said my doctor wasn't in that day but they'd try to fit me in with another doctor. By 3:00, the nurses at work told me to go to urgent care (not the emergency room as I'd have to sit and wait forever). So I put in a leave slip and left.

As an aside, let me add here that I am superly UNimpressed with my doctor's office. Saturday at work, I got my messages, and they DID call me back, at 3;45. They told me to call them back because they needed more info, but their office closes at 4:00. And have a pleasant weekend. Lovely.

Anyways, at Urgent Care, I was OVERimpressed with everything. I wasn't even done filling out the paperwork when they called me back into the room. Everyone I met there, a receptionist, two nurses, a doctor and a lady that went over the discharge papers with me, were all professional, pleasant, understanding and amazing.

The result was a shot of antibiotics that was actually two shots one in each buttock bcause of the amount they were using, a prescription for a stronger anti-biotic pill, anti-biotic cream and vicadin for the pain! It was wrapped up, I was told what to do, I was told to come back Monday or see my doctor Monday to make sure it hasn't gotten worse, and I was sent on my way. I was home before I would even have been seen at the Doctor's office, I'm sure.

I haven't updated the blog since Thursday due to the pain the elbow, lack of easy mobility of the arm, and difficultly typing. Although since Friday, the inflamation has gone down, and the pain decreased. I think, in my unprofessional opinion, the wound looks, well, if not better at least not worse. And I suppose that's the best I can hope for. I'm hoping over the next weeks of anti-biotic ingesting that everything improves. I'll be visiting urgent care tomorrow morning, and i just hope they don't feel the need to squeeze anything more out of it, cause that prospect just makes me extremely queasy.

Anyway, today, I'll be attempting to catch up on the things I've missed over the last few days. but I should be back to regularly posting now. As long as things don't get worse. And that prospect makes me even more queasy.



Tam said...

Holy crap. I feel for you hon. That sounds awful but thankfully you have some great medical people at work who were able to offer you good advice. Phooey on your Dr.'s office. Feel better soon.

Michelle M. said...

Ugh - you poor thing. Spiders are evil, I tell you. EVIL! Hope you heal up quickly.